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Health of people key to economic health


The recently launched World Bank and World Health Organisation (WHO) report on progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) suggests South Africa is on its way towards achieving universal health coverage, with its National Health Insurance scheme.

SA’s industrial, economic policy under spotlight


In a bid to stimulate thought leadership within the organisation, the National School of Government (NSG) hosted a roundtable discussion under the theme “Industrialisation and Sustainable Economic Transformation”.

Greater innovation will contribute to industrialisation


Science, technology and innovation indicators enables a country to measure, monitor and evaluate its scientific and innovative capabilities. These capabilities will become increasingly important as the global community of nations confronts the reality of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the digitisation of the economy.

'Zuma's visit changes lives for the better'


Following President Jacob Zuma’s visit to the community of Umhlabuyalingana in March, life for many of its residents is changing for the better. There are signs of hope in an area once ravaged by the pain of drug and alcohol abuse.

Time to advance beyond political freedom


On 27 April 1994 our country held the first ever non-racial elections. This elections served as a stepping stone towards creation of a truly non-racial, non-sexiest, democratic and prosperous country where there will be equal opportunities for all.

New wage set to break the back of inequality


An estimated 6.6 million South Africans diligently rise each day to go to work. Yet however hard they work, they only have enough to live from one day to the next. Their efforts are never enough to break out of the vicious cycle of poverty they are in.

Tackling youth joblessness head on


Through government work creation initiatives such as the Expanded Public Works Programme, more than one million job opportunities have been created with mostly jobless young people being gainfully employed.

Team South Africa stands ready to fly flag


The new year was eagerly awaited by many South Africans. 2016 had been a challenging year during which our people and institutions were severely tested. We can be proud of the fact that both our institutions and people have emerged stronger and more resilient than before. Once again, South African citizens have demonstrated that we are able to stand against challenges and equally, to stand together to create the conditions for change.

The integrity of the SA Government has been restored once again


The opposition and all the doomsayers who still do not understand the value of transparency leadership should now hold their peace with the latest findings. The President of the Republic, President Jacob Zuma, announced the full details of the Seriti Commission of Inquiry into allegations of fraud, corruption, impropriety or irregularity in the Strategic Defence Procurement Package, commonly referred to as the ARMS DEAL.

SA to lead from the front at CITES CoP17


The eyes of the conservation world and wildlife sectors will be on Johannesburg this month when delegates from 182 countries meet for the 17th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP17).

Government programmes have made strides in AIDS fight


For many South Africans living with HIV and AIDS, the country’s free antiretroviral programme is a second chance. These proud South Africans live healthy lives and are productive members of our communities.

Finding our way again: South Africa's AIDS journey


Sixteen years ago an 11-year-old South African boy, tiny for his age, stood alone on a huge stage. He had a microphone in his hand and a smile on his face. And he spoke truth to power.

Opening door for blacks into economy


The transformation of the country’s R124 billion revenue marketing, advertising and media sector is imperative, given the strong influence it has on the aspirations and values of many South Africans.

SA economy will weather the storm


In the past few months, South Africans in their numbers have begun to follow the discussions about our economy. The visits of international rating agencies and their decisions have become staple discussions for many.