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Strengthening unity and social cohesion in a healing nation


Following the record-breaking fourth Rugby World Cup title win by the Springboks, South Africa’s national men’s rugby team, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared 15 December 2023 a public holiday to celebrate the team’s momentous achievement. It is fitting that this celebratory holiday occurs during Reconciliation Month and a day before Reconciliation Day, which is dedicated to fostering reconciliation and strengthen unity in the country.

Triumph over pit latrines near yet far


South Africa is poised to turn the corner in eradicating pit latrines in educational facilities before the UN-designated year of 2030, writes Angie Motshekga.

Protecting the future


Children are the wealth of the nation despite a few harrowing incidents recently pointing otherwise.

Fighting the harmful effects of alcohol


Many South Africans thrive on celebrations, whether it is a national accomplishment such as winning the Rugby World Cup, or a personal achievement such as passing an exam. These celebrations are often accompanied with dancing, singing and of course alcohol.

Reigniting the spirit of ubuntu


One of the greatest lessons we can take from the COVID-19 pandemic is that life is precious and that we were never designed to live in a state of complete isolation or individualism.

My leadership lessons from the 2023 Rugby World Cup finals


First, I must declare that I am not much into the sport of rugby. In fact, I don’t understand half the rules of the game. Having watched it since the last success by the team, I have come to realise that what I always regarded to be a hooligans sport is in fact a game of strategy and tactics. There is elegance in the wrestling madness. From this world cup installment, I have been enriched by these notables:

AGOA Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum


Growing business, trade and investment ties between sub-Saharan African nations that are part of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act and the United States (US) holds enormous benefits for the two regions.

International Month for Deaf People


In September 1951, hundreds of people from around the world met in Rome, Italy to discuss challenges faced by people with disabilities, and in particular deaf people. They demanded equal opportunities for deaf people around the world and full inclusion in communities.

It is all systems go for the start of the 15th BRICS Summit


It is Women’s Month and Government is delighted to be hosting an important group of leading emerging markets and developing countries, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa for the 15th edition of the BRICS Summit. Together BRICS has around 42% of the world's population, 27% of global GDP and around 20% of international trade.

Victory over matter


Women’s Month got off to a thrilling start - thanks to the endeavours of South African women on the sporting terrain demonstrating that women can do anything they set their minds to.

Let us all observe Mandela Month


In 1990, the winds of change were slowly sweeping our nation, and on 11 February 1990 South Africa was abuzz with the news of the release of former President Nelson Mandela.

Youth - an investment worth making


What would a country be without the youth? They are the future, after all. We have experienced how every generation does things in their own special way.