From 2019, supplementary exams will no longer take place in March but rather in June, says the Basic Education Department (DBE).
One of the major reasons for the change is thorough monitoring of the system.
“We have noted that on average around 40 000 learners who enrol for supplementary examinations every year do not turn up to write the examinations,” said the department.
This results in massive wasteful expenditure.
The department said this new system will also give learners enough time for revision.
By having these examinations in June, there will adequate time for revision and learners can make use of the comprehensive support material provided through the Second Chance Matric Support Programme.
This will also allow learners to the opportunity to rewrite as many subjects as they want as opposed to the current two subjects allowed.
The supplementary exams are bearing fruit as seen with the increase in learners who obtained the NSC exams. In 2018, learners who wrote the supplementary exam and obtained the NSC increased from 401 435 to 411 523, an increase of 10 088 candidates. -