Cabinet noted progress to date on preparations for the 2011 Local Government Elections. The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs will be gazetting regulations on the participation of municipal staff members in the election in due course.
Cabinet noted the report of the 1st conference of African Ministers responsible for Civil Registration held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in August 2010 and approved that South Africa hosts the 2nd Conference in 2012. Hosting this conference will further advance the objectives of the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) as a strategic priority of the African Union.
Cabinet approved a majority equity stake in SunSpace by Government. Funding to keep SunSpace intact will be made available through the usual budget processes of Government.
The Minister of Science and Technology will provide a detailed business case for the retention of SunSpace especially as it relates to the strategic imperatives of Government.
The Ministers of Science and Technology and Communications will collaborate on this matter.
Cabinet approved the hosting of the World Water Day in Cape Town on 22 March 2011 by the United Nations Habitat in partnership with the African Ministers Council on Water. The World Water Day will take place during the National Water Week Campaign between 20 - 27 March 2011 throughout the country. The Department of Water Affairs will also partner with the World Water Council in hosting the Board of Governors meeting from 18 - 19 March 2011.
Cabinet approved the National Tourism Sector Strategy for implementation. The Strategy will be launched by the Minister of Tourism in KwaZulu-Natal on 24 March 2011. Government has identified tourism as one of the key contributing sectors to its medium-term strategic priorities of growing the economy and creating decent work. In recognition of government's facilitating role in optimising the contributions of the various role players in the tourism sector, a coherent and coordinated strategic approach to tourism development and promotion is necessary. The National Tourism Sector Strategy outlines the vision and growth plans for the South African tourism sector.
Cabinet approved that the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, after legal refinement, be promulgated in terms of section 5(1) of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) as soon as possible and on a date to be determined by the Minister of Finance. The contents of the revised regulations will be discussed with the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance and Appropriations as well as the National Economic, Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC).
Cabinet noted the report by the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) Remuneration Panel on the Remuneration and Benefits Review of State Owned Enterprises to achieve uniformity and consistency in application of remuneration and incentives of senior managers, executive and non-executive directors across all SOEs. The Minister of Public Enterprises will determine the way forward after consulting with all key stakeholders.
The report by the Public Protector on the SAPS lease agreement was noted and government is processing it. Cabinet has instructed the Secretary of Cabinet and the Minister of Justice to interact with the Public Protector's office on the report.
Media reports alleging improper and undue influence by the Gupta family over members of Cabinet were noted. Cabinet expressed shock and dismay at the insinuation that its decisions are influenced by business people or their commercial interests. Cabinet is guided by the Constitution, the country's laws and its code of ethics in the execution of its duties.
Cabinet wishes to assert that every South African and legitimate legal persona from anywhere in the world has the right to conduct business in South Africa. It strongly condemns the use of the names of the President and Cabinet members in the pursuit of private business deals and urges those who may be doing so to stop the practice.
Cabinet has noted media reports on the medical facility at the Presidential Estate and wishes to clarify the matter. The Presidential Medical Unit (PMU) has been operating from the Presidential Estate since 1998 to provide medical support to the President, Deputy President as well as former Presidents and Deputy Presidents and foreign dignitaries. On occasion it had had to treat medical emergencies.
The unit has been housed in a caravan ever since. In 2006 a decision was taken to refurbish the facility to ensure that it complies with the primary health care standards. Any further details on the matter can be obtained from the Department of Public Works.
After careful analysis of the education situation in the Eastern Cape and following a number of consultations with the leadership of the province and the Minister of Education's visit to the province on the 27th January 2011, Cabinet has decided to invoke Section 100 (b) of the Constitution to maintain essential national standards of education in the province while at the same time ensuring that established minimum standards for the rendering of education are met.
Cabinet is of the firm view that this intervention, which is being made in the spirit of cooperative governance, will pave the way for an immediate resolution to all pressing matters in the provincial Department of Education. Minister of Education Mrs Angie Motshekga will later today provide more details during a press conference to be held at 13h00 in East London.
Cabinet praised the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for having picked up positive serological results for Foot and Mouth Disease in the northern KwaZulu-Natal during routine surveillance in the protection zone for the disease. The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is currently visiting the affected area and will issue a detailed statement in an hour's time.
Cabinet has noted that the country will be joining the international community on the 9th March to celebrate International Women's Day. The Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities will lead the country in this regard and will provide a detailed programme of the day.
Cabinet noted the President's state visit to France in order to strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries and developments in Africa.
Cabinet noted an update on Cot^ d' Ivoire and the efforts being made to resolve the dispute over the country's presidential elections.
Cabinet congratulated the South African National Defence (SANDF) for successfully evacuating South African citizens who were stranded in Libya. The SANDF evacuated 29 South Africans, 1 United Kingdom citizen, and 10 people from SADC countries. The total number of people evacuated was 40. Cabinet also reiterated that the responsibility of the SANDF is to assist South Africans in distress both locally and abroad.
Cabinet welcomes and supports the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution on Libya. As a member of the UNSC, South Africa voted in favour of the resolution. Cabinet expressed its concern about the deteriorating situation in Libya, which has resulted in untold atrocities and the loss of civilian lives.
This resolution sends a clear and unambiguous message to the Libyan authorities to end the carnage against its people.
We are confident that the measures contained in this resolution will contribute towards the long-term objective of bringing peace and stability to this sister nation.
South Africa calls on the Government and people of Libya to seek a speedy and peaceful resolution to the current crisis in accordance with the will of the people.
The South African Cricket Team, the Proteas, are currently representing the country in the ICC World Cup, in India. Cabinet urges all South Africans to continue, through the Magnificent Fridays campaign, supporting the Proteas. The team had a good start to the tournament when they beat the West Indies. Today they will be playing against the Netherlands. Cabinet expresses the sentiments of the nation when it says it believes at the end of today, the Proteas will hoist the South African flag higher.
Cabinet was saddened to learn about the passing away of Director-General of Sports and Recreation Vernie Petersen. His memorial service will be held today at 12h00 at St Alban's Cathedral, Schoeman Street, Pretoria. Cabinet was equally saddened at the passing away of Public Service Commissioner Johannes Malahlela. His memorial service is being held today (now at 10h00) at Commission House, Cnr Hamilton & Ziervogel, Pretoria. Cabinet expresses its condolences to their families and greatly appreciates their service and contribution to the country.
The following appointments were approved:
* Mr S Kana; Ms CN Mbili; Mr F Timmins; Prof A Dempsey; Ms LY Majova; Mr WHG van der Linde; Mr LJ Lekale; Mr HJ Suleman; Mr I Khan and Ms N Radebe were appointed to the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors (IRBA). Mr VW van der Linde; Mr PC Mashishi; Mr H Goga; Mr D Block and Ms T Fubu were appointed as alternate members of the Board. Mr Freeman Nomvalo will represent the Minister of Finance on the Board.
* Prof C Palmer; Mr S Hadebe; Dr K Peitersen; Ms MJ Mashiteng; Ms MV Mpakanyane; Ms MT Montwedi; Mr TM Sokutu; Dr R Nyabeze; Dr P Ashton; Dr J King; Dr R Ebrhard; Mr M Mayet; Dr L Smith; Prof R Schulze and Mr M Ginster were appointed to the National Water Advisory Council (NWAC) for a period of three years.
* Mr MR Jawoodeen and Ms S Mthembi-Mahanyele were appointed to serve as members of the Central Energy Fund (CEF) (Pty) Ltd board of directors for a period of three (3) years.
* Mr B Mokaba; Mr M Zwane; Ms GN Jiyane; Mr C Molusi and Ms E Letlape were appointed to serve on PetroSA (Pty) Ltd Board for a period of three years from the date of appointment.
* Mr T Bukula; Ms E Teljeur; Dr R de Brissac Crompton; and Ms P Nzimande were appointed to serve as members of the Energy Regulator with effect from 1 April 2011 until 31 March 2016 subject to changes that will be brought about by the promulgation of the amended National Energy Regulator Act.
Issued by Government Communications (GCIS)
Enquiries: Jimmy Manyi (Cabinet Spokesperson)
Contact : 082 379 3454
03 March 2011;
Statement on the Cabinet meeting held on 02 March 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011