Pulamadibogo learners discharged from hospital 

Friday, September 22, 2023

About 87 learners from Pulamadibogo Primary School in Soshanguve, who were hospitalised after consuming muffins laced with marijuana, have now been discharged, says Gauteng Education MEC, Matome Chiloane.

The affected learners were admitted at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital on Wednesday and have been discharged, as their condition and health significantly improved. Only three girl learners remain in hospital, and they are still receiving the necessary medical attention to return to full health.

Police investigations into the circumstances surrounding this incident still continue.

“We are relieved that the affected learners were discharged following this saddening incident. We wish the remaining learners speedy recovery,” MEC Chiloane said. 

Meanwhile, the two suspects who were arrested in connection with this case will appear at the Soshanguve Magistrates Court this morning.

“We are informed two suspects arrested for allegedly selling space cookies to Pulamadibogo learners are appearing at Soshanguve Magistrates Court this morning,” DBE spokesperson, Steve Mabona,said. – SAnews.gov.za