Citizens can still register to vote

Friday, February 15, 2019

Cabinet has called on all eligible voters who have not registered to vote in the upcoming elections to do so at the offices of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), which are still open across the country.

“You can also check your voter registration status by sending an SMS with your ID number to 32810 (R1.00 per SMS) or install the IEC’s free mobile app for voters and use it to check your registration details,” Cabinet said in a statement on Friday.

Cabinet met on Wednesday in Tuynhuys, Cape Town.  

South Africa will holds its sixth democratic national and provincial elections on 8 May 2019.

“Since the birth of our democracy, we have built a thriving constitutional democracy with institutions that ensure our basic rights and freedoms. Furthermore, programmes have been implemented to structurally transform the economy and address our many socio-economic challenges.

“The upcoming elections are an opportunity for a new generation of young South Africans to exercise their right to vote, and have a say in their future and that of our country,” the statement said.

Cabinet has congratulated all South Africans, especially thousands of young and first-time voters, who participated in the last voter registration weekend on 26 and 27 January 2019. –