Threats against Leratong doctor “disturbing”

Sunday, August 5, 2018

The threats of physical violence directed at a medical doctor in a video posted on social media have been condemned by the Minister of Public Service and Administration, Ayanda Dlodlo.

Dr Masego Setlhodi from Leratong Hospital posted a video on Facebook showing men threatening her and telling her to shut up while attempting to attend to a patient.

Dlodlo said she was deeply disturbed by the video.

“In the video a public servant was told to shut up because she was a woman, three men threatened to shoot and even to rape her. The grotesque nature of these threats is extremely concerning, especially during Women’s Month.

“This is the type of abuse that women have to contend with on a daily basis and we must condemn it collectively as a nation,” said Dlodlo in a statement.

The perpetrators who made those heinous threats should face the full might of the law, she said.

The Minister said while she understands and sympathises with the frustration that comes with having a loved one in hospital, nothing can justify the harassment, threats of violence and the abuse of the young doctor and many other public servants around the country.

“We strongly urge our communities to reject all violence, especially gender-based violence. We wish to see mutual respect between public servants and the communities they serve,” said Dlodlo. –