Second Chance Programme goes to George

Friday, October 26, 2018

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga is scheduled to lead the department’s Second Chance Programme to George in the Western Cape on Saturday.

The Minister will lead the department’s #Read2Lead and #SecondChance Programme to the Lawaaikamp Community Hall in George.

“Through the Second Chance Programme, the Department of Basic Education is inviting all candidates, who have previously not met the requirements of the National Senior Certificate, as well as those currently in matric, to take advantage of the specially designed Second Chance matric support programme,” the department said ahead of Saturday’s engagement.

Proceedings at the Lawaaikamp Community Hall in George are scheduled to get underway at 10am.

The Minister is also expected to speak on the Read to Lead campaign, which was officially launched in 2015.

The campaign was launched to improve the reading habits of South African children.

“The campaign is geared to help ensure that all learners are able to demonstrate age appropriate levels of reading by 2019. It provides teachers and schools with clear directives on the department’s expectations of achieving the expected levels of performance,” said the department.

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) will also exhibit its programmes at the roadshow. -