South Africa will participate in the 107th session of the International Labour Conference (ILC).
The session, which will take place in Geneva from 28 May to 8 June, will be attended by more than 4 000 workers, employers and government delegates from the International Labour Organisation' (ILO) 187 member states.
Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant will lead a South African delegation, which includes tripartite members of National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac).
“South Africa, as a member of the ILO, continues to play a leading role in ensuring the development of common regional positions, while also influencing the outcomes of deliberations within the organisation.
“The ILC is a forum where global decisions are made with regards to labour market developments,” the Labour Department said on Monday.
This year’s session will be held under the theme ‘Building a future with decent work’.
The International Labour Conference is the ILO’s highest decision-making body. It meets annually, bringing together tripartite delegations from the organisation’s member states and a number of observers from other international actors to consider a series of topics related to the world of work, placed on its agenda by the governing body of the ILO. -