Private sector urged to rally behind peace-building

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

In a bid to mobilise resources in support of peace building, President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on the private sector to invest in countries emerging from war.

“As countries emerge from conflict, they face the challenge of rebuilding the state, which includes building infrastructure, establishing resilient public institutions and restoring the economy to health.

“This is where the private sector can play a critical role, working in partnership with civil society and political leadership,” said the President.

President Ramaphosa was speaking at the United Nations Private Sector Forum luncheon on the margins of the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit.

The Summit preceded the start of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

The Global Compact which is a United Nations initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, engaged on their role in peacebuilding.

The debate took place in the context of the centenary of the birth of former President Nelson Mandela.

“For our part, we are committed to work together with the UN and the members of the Global Compact to ensure that we build a strong and lasting partnership that will deliver not only peace – but also prosperity – to all the people of the world,” said the President.

On Monday, the Political Declaration adopted by the Summit - declared the next 10 years to be the Nelson Mandela International Decade for Peace.

President Ramaphosa said while plans and strategies for peacebuilding are plenty, they require financial, human and technological resources.

“Many of these resources and many of these capabilities reside in business. It is therefore necessary to develop mechanisms to mobilise such resources in support of peace building,” he said.

To promote post-conflict development, President Ramaphosa said countries must create fertile ground for companies to have the confidence to invest in these countries.

“Investment is necessary to promote economic progress and stability, while stability is an important condition for investment,” said President Ramaphosa. –