Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy has noted the misalignment of legislative mandates with regard to some entities of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.
The committee expressed this concern on Tuesday while on an oversight visit to the Gauteng province to check on entities under the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.
The purpose of the visit is to gain an understanding of the entities’ legislative mandates, challenges and proposed interventions.
“Our visit is not to police. We are here to gain knowledge that will assist the committee to develop a programme that will focus on resolving legislative challenges faced by the entities in order to create an environment conducive for them to deliver on their mandates,” committee chairperson Sahlulele Luzipo said.
The committee began its oversight visit on Monday, where it was briefed by the Petroleum Association of South Africa. It also visited the Council for Geoscience.
On Tuesday, it visited the Energy Regulator of South Africa, as well as the National Nuclear Regulator.
Between Wednesday and Friday, the committee is expected to visit the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute, Council for Mineral Technology of South Africa, South African Diamond and Precious Metal Regulator, State Diamond Trader, Central Energy Fund, Mine Health and Safety Council, and the South African National Energy Development Institute.
Luzipo said following the oversight visit, the committee will then invite the department to establish how fast it can address all the challenges that were discovered by the committee.
Four days after being sworn into office, the President on 29 May announced the appointment of a reconfigured national executive following the recently held General Election. The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy arose from the merger of the previously separate Departments of Mineral Resources and Energy. –