Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga is taking the #Read2Lead and #SecondChance programmes to the youth of Khotso Tsotetsi Lapa, eMbalenhle and Secunda in Mpumalanga today.
The Second Chance programme is a call for youth to register to rewrite their matric exams in June.
The exams are intended for learners who have not completed their matric and those who want to improve their results, as well as those who failed their matric.
Learners who wish to write or rewrite matric exams in June this year have until 31 January to register.
Learners can visit and click on the link to register for the Amended Senior Certificate examinations at the bottom left of the DBE website homepage. This will link learners to an online registration portal.
The Read to Lead campaign, on the other hand, aims to improve the reading habits of all South African children.
The campaign, which was launched in 2015, is geared towards helping to ensure that all learners are able to demonstrate age-appropriate levels of reading by 2019.
It provides teachers and schools with clear directives on the department’s expectations of achieving the expected levels of performance.
Some stakeholders will support the Minister on her drive by exhibiting their programmes at the roadshow. These include the Department of Higher Education and Training, which will give career guidance, and Vodacom, which will exhibit its e-School app, and how to register for free and access the programmes available to learners. –