Last chance, register to vote

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Government has urged South Africans to register to vote at various voting stations this weekend.

The countries’ 22 925 voting stations will be open for the final registration between 8am and 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

To be able to vote in the upcoming national and provincial elections which will most likely be held in May, your name and information need to be on the voters’ roll.

The roll needs to be updated to contain the details of individual voters in line with the Constitutional Court ruling.

Currently containing over 26 million names, the voters’ roll allows the IEC to plan an election and identify fraud, as it tells the commission how many voters to expect in each voting district.

All South African citizens aged 16 and older in possession of an official ID can register as voters (although only those who are at least 18 years old on voting day may vote).

Voters should take a copy of their barcoded ID book, smart card ID or temporary ID certificate when they go to register in the voting district in which they ordinarily reside.

The Department of Home Affairs is ready to assist those who will require identity documentation to help them register for the upcoming elections.

Home Affairs offices will open on Saturday and Sunday from 08h00 to 17h00.

This, according to the Department of Home Affairs, will afford eligible voters an opportunity to apply for their IDs to go and register.

When registering, voters will need to provide their address or a description of where they live to allow the Electoral Commission to place them on the correct segment of the voters’ roll. Proof of address is not required.

If you have previously registered, you must update your registration details for example if you changed address changes or when your ID number changes due to changed.

Registered voters can check if their details are correct and which voting station will they vote in via the ‘Click, Check and Confirm’ facility on the Electoral Commission’s website at -