Kolisi's comments unfortunate, says Sports Portfolio Committee

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation Beauty Dlulane has described as “unfortunate” the comments attributed to Springbok Captain Siya Kolisi regarding quotas in sports.

Media reports have indicated that the Kolisi had said that quotas in South African sport are a necessary tool of transformation. He reportedly voiced opposition to racially-based quotas in sport, saying former President Nelson Mandela would not have supported such a system.

“Transformation in our country has to happen. Quotas in un-transforming sport codes, especially rugby at national level, are a way of enforcing it. If some sectors resist being part of the new South Africa, as seen in some sporting codes such as rugby and cricket at national level, then the committee supports the use of the quota system. This has no bearing on competence,” Dlulane said in a statement on Wednesday.

Dlulane said the view attributed to Kolisi is unfortunate, and cautioned against sport personalities commenting on race issues.

“Their opinions might be interpreted as being insensitive to the realities of our country. South Africa is a diverse nation. Transformation is government policy and will remain so for as long as necessary,” the committee chairperson said.

In the same statement, Dlulane congratulated Banyana Banyana coach Desiree Ellis, and player Thembi Kgatlana for winning the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Women Coach of the year and Women Player of the year, respectively. – SAnews.gov.za