Gauteng still to complete vote counting

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Gauteng province is the only province that is yet to complete counting in all its voting districts in the 2019 National and Provincial Elections.

Data from the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) showed that the province’s three metropolitan areas still had to complete vote counting after the county went to the polls on Wednesday.

Gauteng has the lion’s share of metropolitan areas out of South Africa’s nine provinces.

As at 7:13am on Saturday morning, four voting districts in the City of Tshwane still had outstanding results. These were the Entokozweni Primary School, PB Algemene Handelaars, Fatlhogang Primary School and Makgake Primary School voting stations.

In the City of Johannesburg, seven voting districts had outstanding results as at 7:14am.

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality had the most outstanding results with over 17 voting districts yet to be completed.

By 7am on Saturday morning, all the other eight provinces had concluded vote counting with Gauteng having completed counting in 2722 of its 2771 districts.

Nationally, capturing progress was at 99.8% as at 7:26am.

The IEC is scheduled to announce the official results of the sixth general elections at a ceremony at its national Results Operations Centre (ROC) in Pretoria later this evening.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to grace the ceremony which will get underway at 6pm.