EC pupil stabbed to death

Friday, January 18, 2019

Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Basic Education has expressed shock at the death of a 14-year-old Grade 7 pupil who was stabbed to death by a fellow pupil at Mpeko Primary School in the Eastern Cape.

Committee Chairperson Nomalungelo Gina expressed the committee’s condolences to the family and friends of the pupil as well as to the school community.

“This is indeed a very sad occasion. This young person was robbed of his life at the start of the school year. Instead of looking forward to the academic year, his future is now over,” she said.

The alleged perpetrator is a 17-year-old pupil.

“Our hearts bleed for both families. Their lives will now be changed forever. We want to appeal to the South African population at large to assist our young people to learn the correct skills to deal with conflict as violence is clearly not the solution,” said Gina. –