The National Department of Public Works (NDPW) has committed to continue to work with all role players in the public, business, labour and community sector to expand the creation of work and training opportunities through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP).
The commitment to contribute towards job creation and training opportunities follows the Presidential Job Summit Framework Agreement that was signed by government, business, community and labour organisations at the Jobs Summit that was recently held in Gauteng.
EPWP Deputy Director General (DDG) Stanley Henderson said some of the key EPWP projects that will be bolstered include the National Youth Service (NYS), Youth Environmental Services (YES), the Vuk’uphile Contractor Learnership Programme and Working for Water programmes.
“There are a range of interventions we are looking at and these include ways to work with business to increase the placement of our participants in workplaces, ensure that training provided to participants is linked with the demand of the private sector, as well as getting the private sector involved in our Vuk’uphile Contractor Learnership Programme by providing mentorship to the learner contractors,” Henderson said.
He said the department will introduce new initiatives in an effort to create jobs.
“We are looking at introducing a new EPWP initiative to assist in the monitoring and evaluation of the programme on the ground through social audits. The work opportunities created through this new initiative will be specifically for young people,” Henderson said. –