Countdown to MaSisulu’s centenary

Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday marks the 50-day countdown until the centenary celebration for Mama Albertina Sisulu, the fearless champion of democracy and human rights.

Government announced 2018 as her centenary celebrations under the theme: Albertina Sisulu “A woman of fortitude” in recognition of her courage, discipline, integrity and love for her country.

MaSisulu, as she was affectionately known, was born on 21 October 1918 and died on 2 June 2011. She would be 100 years on 21 October had she lived.

MaSisulu played a leading role in the struggle for the liberation of her country and was one of the  leaders of the historic Women’s march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria on 9 August 1956 alongside Lillian Ngoyi, Sophie de Bruyn, Helen Joseph and Rahima Moosa, among others who took part in that march.

Although many associate her political struggle with her husband Walter Sisulu, the veteran African National Congress politician, who died in 2003, was a leader in her own right.

She spent almost half a century fighting for the liberation of South Africans, in the face of detentions, banning orders and harassment.

But she has refused to be intimidated and never wavered in her commitment to the struggle for freedom and non-racialism.

That is where her strength, resilience and the will to carry on shone like a beacon in the darkest days of apartheid which saw dedicating her life to the country and its people.

She will forever be remembered as a fearless leader in the struggle and a mother to the nation. She worked tirelessly towards creating a better and more equitable South Africa.

A series of commemorative events such as women dialogues have been running the whole year to celebrate the life of this struggle stalwart

In October, the MaSisulu Centenary Month will be officially launched where several activities, including the celebration at the Orlando West Anglican Church, will take place. The packed programme will also see the MaSisulu biography being launched, as well as a memorial lecture in her honour taking place. –