Corruption not acceptable, says GCIS

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) has called on society to join hands with government in the fight against corruption, both in the private sector and public service.

Following the partnerships that were made between government and various social partners during the successful #100MenMarch against violence against women and children earlier this month, the GCIS hopes to maintain the momentum now in the fight against all forms of corruption.

Acting Director General at GCIS, Phumla Williams, said corruption was not acceptable as a society.

“We are a country that has a contract with our citizens to say we will deliver services to better their lives and that can never be achieved for as long as the limited resources are syphoned out by corruption,” she said.

Corruption and gender-based violence are two issues that require government and society to really work in unison.

“We are looking to make a partnership firstly with the private sector. We believe the issue of corruption … does involve the private sector, secondly, we want to work with those NGOs that are tracking corruption,” Williams said.

Over and above the National Anti-Corruption Hotline 0800 701 701, there are a number of organisations which give citizens a platform to blow the whistle on corrupt activities.

“These are the organisations we want to partner with and say come work with us, let’s raise awareness. Let us also arrest those who are involved. We [also] want to partner with the police. The police can only act if we as a society report some of these acts of corruption,” said Williams.

She said GCIS would be holding an activation blitz at traffic lights, taxi ranks and trains to raise awareness around corruption and get members of the public involved.

“We will be distributing flyers and the flyers will contain information of what to do as a citizen to stop corruption … and to highlight the importance of every South African in joining hands to fight corruption,” she said, adding that if there is no one willing to give the bribe in the first place, it becomes a futile exercise.

Williams said corruption involves two parties. “It will involve a public servant but equally it will involve that company that wants to bypass the processes that exist in procurement in the public service.”

Corruption robbed not only government but also businesses of resources it really needs.

Williams said there was a need to educate society because you are not "just buying that exam paper from an official", but, you are also robbing that child of their future.

“By bribing that traffic cop if you have committed a traffic offence may cost somebody’s life because you will continue to break the traffic rules.”

Williams said the campaign against the abuse of women and children continues, with men continuing to stand up and say: “not in my name” by signing the anti-abuse pledge at

She said GCIS would be placing all the Thuthuzela Care Centres - one-stop facilities aimed at preventing secondary victimisation of rape and abuse victims, improving conviction rates, and reducing the time taken to finalise cases – on the government website, along with NGOs that give men anger management and psychological support, to ensure information is available to members of the public.

“[The campaign against violence against women and children] is an ongoing thing. We will be continuously talking about it,” she said. –