Cabinet has approved the Norms and Standards for the safe operations of the tourism sector in the context of COVID-19 and other related pandemics.
The announcement was made on Thursday by acting Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, following this week’s Cabinet meeting.
“The norms and standards provide common minimum health and safety measures that will ensure uniformity across the tourism sector. They will cover services such as accommodation, food, tour operators, casinos, weddings and other related activities,” she said.
South Africa, the Minister said, is now on par with international markets, and this will enable the sector to fully open for international tourist arrivals.
National Conference on Migration and Urbanisation
At its meeting on Wednesday, Cabinet also endorsed the National Conference on Migration and Urbanisation in South Africa, which was held virtually from 26 to 30 July 2021.
Migration and urbanisation have been part of South Africa’s four population policy priorities since 2015, Ntshavheni said.
The conference took stock of the available data, knowledge and information on migration and urbanisation trends in the country.
“Such information serves as an evidence base for policy and programme development, including planning in all three spheres of government,” the Minister said.
The conference was organised collaboratively with the relevant government departments, as well as the research community and civil society.
The conference culminated in the setting up of a Forum for Migration and Urbanisation Data and Research to serve as a knowledge resource to support the work of migration and urbanisation. – SAnews.gov.za