Beware of jobs scam

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Department of Correctional Services has warned members of the public of a jobs scam doing the rounds on social media and other channels where members of the public are invited to apply for employment and learnership opportunities. 

“We therefore wish to warn South Africans against falling prey to this scam and would like to retaliate that applying for employment in Correctional Services and in the public sector is free, and anyone asking for money is breaking the law,” the department said in a statement.

Correctional Services uses the mainstream media, the website of the department of Public Services Administration (DPSA), as well as the internal email notices to advertise vacancies.  

The department warned that those posing as consultants or using online media platforms are fraudsters who must be reported to law enforcement agencies. 

“We call upon anyone who may have information on these fraudsters to contact or report the matter to the government anti-corruption hotline 0800 701 701,” the department said. –