Final day for basic education submissions

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pretoria - Today marks the final day for South Africans to make written submissions to Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Basic Education.

The committee said since 1994 a lot has been done to achieve government's goal of access to education but there remains areas of concern particularly with regard to equal access to quality education.

The committee has asked South Africans to make written submissions to it on aspects affecting quality outcomes in primary and high schools in issues such as class size, teacher development and the values in education.

Regarding access to education, the committee has asked people to make submissions pertaining to inclusive education, homeless children and orphans, the geographical location of schools and infrastructure as well as language barriers.

"By these submissions the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education intends to obtain first-hand information on the pressure points and to find mutual solutions that will make a positive contribution towards improving areas of concern within the basic education terrain," said Chairperson Fatima Chohan.

"The Portfolio Committee hopes in this regard to elicit submissions from all stakeholders and in particular from teachers on their experiences," said Chohan.

Submissions can be made to committee secretary Llewellyn Brown, National Assembly, PO Box 15 Cape Town, 8000 or email, or fax (021) 403-2808.