Presidency tables 2018/19 annual report in Parliament

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Presidency has tabled its annual report for 2018/19 in Parliament.

The report reflects on a year in which South Africa embarked on a process of renewal through the fight against corruption and poor governance, a vigorous drive to increase domestic and international investment in the economy, and the development of social compacts on health and gender-based violence, among other highlights.

“The annual report highlights how, working together with partners in organised business, labour, civil society and in communities, government focused on its efforts to reignite growth and creating jobs while removing constraints to inclusive growth and greater levels of investment,” said Presidency spokesperson Khusela Diko.

The Presidency exists to service the President and Deputy President in the execution of their duties.

During the financial year under review, the Presidency achieved an unqualified audit and is currently in the process of addressing deficiencies in areas of supply chain management, internal controls and consequence management identified by the Auditor-General.

The Presidency said it paid attention to the Auditor-General’s observations regarding irregular expenditure and adopted a framework for effecting consequences in instances where officials proved to be at fault.

The 2018/19 financial year commenced a month after the election of President Ramaphosa as Head of State and the appointment of a new National Executive.

In addition, government dedicated 2018 to mark the centenary of founding President Nelson Mandela and Mama Albertina Sisulu. The year was also marked by the passing away of struggle stalwart Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.

During 2018, interventions in the economy included the hosting of a Presidential Jobs Summit, the inaugural South Africa Investment Conference, the launch of the Youth Employment Service, the implementation of the National Minimum Wage and the implementation of an economic stimulus and recovery plan.

In the social sector, Presidential summits on gender-based violence and femicide as well as health gave effect to President Ramaphosa’s call for social compacts that bring together government and social partners in addressing critical challenges in society and developing inclusive initiatives for moving the country forward.

During the financial year under review, Deputy President David Mabuza played a significant role in South Africa’s programme of international relations with a focus on strengthening South Africa’s political and economic relations globally.

“These engagements created opportunities for South African exporters and importers and provided educational opportunities for young South Africans to be exposed to global practices and gain experience.

“In his role as Chair of the South African National AIDS Council, Deputy President Mabuza provided leadership to the nation’s continued fight against HIV and Aids,” said Diko.

The Deputy President also chaired the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Land Reform which processed the report of developed by a Presidential advisory panel on land reform.

During the same period, President Ramaphosa instituted four commissions of inquiry to investigate governance, corruption, the abuse of State resources, integrity and probity of key State institutions.

These included the Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture and inquiries into the Public Investment Corporation, the South African Revenue Service and the State Security Agency.

The year under review also saw action towards reforming, repositioning and revitalising SOEs in order for them to be self-sufficient and fulfil their role in developing the country.

“At the apex of government, the Presidency remains committed to providing leadership within government and forging partnerships and compacts between government and social partners as enablers for growing the South Africa we want,” said Diko. –