Premier vows to move NW forward

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pretoria - North West Premier Supra Mahumapelo has rallied the people of the province around the theme, “Together we move the North West forward”.

The theme is a guiding principle for unity and common purpose for the duration of the province’s fifth term of administration and beyond.

In his State of the Province Address delivered on Friday, Premier Mahumapelo re-emphasised his call to rebrand, reposition and the renewal of the province, which he said was a “thorough-going philosophical construct that can only succeed through popular citizen engagement”.

He said the call sought to unleash the collective potential to achieve the greatness the province deserves, and at the same time embrace opportunities presented by the new spirit of unity, reconciliation and healing.

Embedded in theme is the message of “Saam werk, Saam trek”, which re-emphasises the unity of purpose the Premier referred to.

He said the government was going to tone down the “paralysing choke of public administration bureaucracy” and replace it with a people driven system that is designed for and responsive to the needs of the people of the province.

“I am a firm believer in the virtue of simplicity, and we shall endeavour to infuse such an outlook into our provincial administration. Complex and sophisticated systems do not necessarily mean efficiency,” he said. -