oThongathi residents to enjoy water from their taps

Thursday, October 27, 2022

The EThekwini Municipality will from Thursday, 27 October, embark on the much-anticipated stage of recommissioning the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant that will see residents of oThongathi and surrounding areas receiving water from their taps.

The oThongathi Water Treatment Plant was destroyed during the floods that wreaked havoc in KwaZulu-Natal in April, leading to disruptions to the water supply and much frustration for residents and businesses in the area.

EThekwini Municipality Mayor, Mxolisi Kaunda has informed the residents of oThongathi and surrounding areas that as per his promise, the work of reconstructing the plant, has now been completed.

“Between 27 October and 1 November 2022, the municipality will fill the onsite reservoirs with treated water. This will include testing the quality of water to ensure that it meets all safety requirements.

“Residents are urged to ensure that all taps are kept closed at all times to avoid flooding when the testing of the water mains are being carried out,” Kaunda said on Wednesday.

The Mayor noted that the Hambanathi reservoir will be supplied with potable water first, and thereafter, the Emona reservoir, Metcalf reservoir, Belvedere reservoir, Tongaat South and Mamba Ridge-Jan Ross-Burbreeze system, will be filled.

Kaunda also appealed to all residents to first boil the drinking water in the first few day when they are able to receive water from their taps.

“People must not panic as this is just a precautionary measure since the pipelines were not in use for an extended period,” Kaunda said. – SAnews.gov.za