Minister Nhleko focuses on rooting out corruption in construction

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Pretoria - Public Works Minister Nathi Nhleko has called on construction professionals to partner with government to root out corruption in the industry.

“Corruption causes civil strife, discourages the much-needed foreign investment and threatens the rule of law by eroding public confidence,” said Minister Nhleko on Wednesday.

He was speaking at the 6th Construction Management Summit in Durban. The summit was hosted by the South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP).

Minister Nhleko emphasised that while it is government’s responsibility to fight corruption, society as well as the construction industry have a significant role to play.

“Corruption redirects the scarce resources into the pockets of a few dishonest individuals. This is a challenge that all of us must embrace and therefore need to commit ourselves in a positive manner to foster honest workplace environments, to combat wastage and illegal activities.”

The Minister said it is incumbent upon construction industry players to devise appropriate management systems to guard against embezzlement, fraud and corrupt practices. –