Manuel takes NDP to unions

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pretoria - The Minister in the Presidency Trevor Manuel, who chairs the National Planning Commission, has taken the new National Development Plan (NDP) to the unions for comment.

The plan aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequity by 2030. The commission's Vision 2030 statement seeks to help the country to reduce its high unemployment rate to 14% in 2030 by growing the economy by around 5% annually.

On Tuesday, Manuel met with the Federation of Unions of South Africa (Fedusa) for their input on the 430-page draft document.

Speaking to the media after the meeting, general secretary of the federation, Dennis George welcomed the draft plan, saying it provides clarity on the country's long-term economic strategy.

George said it was important for any country to get a view of its challenges. This, he said, would enable partnerships with government and social partners to further collaborate and refine the country's future.

"We are optimistic that through this process of social dialogue and consultation we can have a consensus and way forward as a country," added George.

Manuel said the plan would ensure that citizens work together to change the lives of South Africans.

"South Africa needs for all of us to be active citizens and to work together as government, business, communities so that people live the lives they would like," said Manuel.

The NDP focuses on ideas such as growth and prosperity as the best way to fight poverty and unemployment, by involving individuals and communities in their own development.

But it also requires the state to extend opportunities to all through excellent education and other essential services and create the right conditions for investment and job creation driving a virtuous cycle of sustained development.

Asked to comment on views that the recently passed Protection and Information Bill undermines the spirit, vision and intent of the commission's impressive initiative, Manuel said the NDP clearly indicates a zero tolerance towards corruption.

Manuel will meet Fedusa again next year to focus around the strategies targeting job creation, quality education and healthcare, infrastructure expansion and intensifying the fight against corruption, that are in the NDP.