An Inter-Ministerial Committee has been established to deal with the renewal programme of Alexandra township in Johannesburg.
The committee comprises the Ministers of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Environmental Affairs, Home Affairs, Police and Rural Development and Land Reform.
“The team will interface with the provincial and local government leadership, the MECs responsible for these portfolios as well as the mayor of Johannesburg,” the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) said on Tuesday.
The Intergovernmental (IGR) Forum comprising the three spheres of government will be convened by COGTA Minister Zweli Mkhize next week.
A technical team of Directors-General has also been set up and has begun working on this issue.
“Systems have been put in place for the renewal of Alexandra to be handled by the IGR forum and we are all determined to ensure that the directives of the President are met,” said Mkhize.
The action follows President Cyril Ramaphosa’s visit to Alexandra on Tuesday following days of protest action by residents mobilising under #AlexTotalShutdown.
The issues raised by the community included unresolved land issues and the release of title deeds; high demand for housing; illegal occupation of houses; poor service delivery, including challenges of sewerage spillage, water, electricity, proliferation of illegal shacks, high crime rate, illegal immigration, and the need for economic upliftment and investment to eradicate poverty, unemployment and inequality. –