The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has reminded members of the public that they have until 5pm on 2 April to object to the nomination of candidates contesting the 8 May national and provincial elections.
The election agency on Thursday said there are over 10 000 candidates nominated to contest the national elections and over 8 000 candidates have been nominated to contest the provincial elections.
“This is significantly more than the 2 089 candidates nominated for the national ballot and 6 562 candidates nominated for the provincial elections in 2014,” the IEC said in a statement.
In terms of the Electoral Act, the IEC said, objections may be lodged against candidates on the basis that they are not qualified to stand for elections, there is no prescribed acceptance of nomination signed by the candidate; and/or there is no prescribed undertaking signed by the candidate, that the candidate is bound by the Code of Conduct.
In terms of the Constitution, every citizen who is qualified to vote for the national assembly and/or provincial legislature is eligible to stand for election except:
- Unrehabilitated insolvents;
- Anyone declared to be of unsound mind by a court of the Republic;
- Anyone who is convicted of an offence and sentenced to more than 12 months imprisonment without the option of a fine either in South Africa or outside the country if the offence would have been an offence if committed in South Africa. This disqualification ends five years after the sentence has been completed.
Objections may be submitted to the National Office of the Electoral Commission or emailed to and must include:
- The objector’s full names, address and contact details;
- The full particulars (name, ID number and party) of the candidate/s being objected to;
- The grounds for objection against the candidate/s;
- Detailed supporting documentation supporting the objection (if any);
- The Commission said it will consider and make a determination on all objections and notify the objectors and affected parties of their decision by 8 April 2019.
“Any objector, party or candidate aggrieved by the decision of the Commission then has until 11 April 2019 to appeal to the Electoral Court,” IEC said.
Meanwhile, Cabinet has urged eligible voters to exercise their constitutional right to cast their vote on Election Day.
“The participation of voters is central to a well-functioning democracy and through regular elections, citizens can elect their representatives and hold them to account,” read a post Cabinet statement.
Cabinet also called on the IEC, public representatives and the public to act in a manner that will ensure free and fair elections during the Election Day.
“Our law-enforcement agencies will act decisively against anyone found to intimidate, incite or perpetrate violent acts during the elections,” said Cabinet. –