Grade 12s encouraged to prepare for exams

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pretoria - With just 117 days to go until the 2011 National Senior Certificate exams get underway, the Basic Education Department has encouraged learners to make the most of every opportunity available, like school holidays, to prepare for the exams.

"The current school holidays provide learners with the ideal opportunity to focus exclusively on their studies and they should use these three weeks productively to study and ensure they are prepared for the exams," the department said on Tuesday.

All provinces have arranged support for Grade 12 learners over this period in the form of winter schools and other support programmes, a list of the available support programmes can also be accessed online at or on the Department's Mxit platform, Class of 2011.

The department also encouraged learners to make full use of the support material found in newspapers, which are an excellent resource to supplement materials provided at schools, as well as past NSC examination papers.

"Learners should make sure that all their study materials are in order - notes, worksheets and textbooks. If they have anything missing they should ensure that they get hold of the material from a teacher or fellow learner and if they have missed school at any stage, they should ensure that they have caught up on that section of the curriculum.

"Learners should try to find a quiet space that is conducive to studying - at home, school or library, community or church hall - wherever you feel comfortable and safe," the department said in a statement.

Wishing learners every success, the department emphasised the need for learners to work hard during this period in order to achieve academic success and apply themselves vigorously, especially in the subjects with which they struggle.

"Start by making a study timetable so that the required attention is given to each subject. The department trusts that you will begin to work hard and make every South African proud by achieving success.

"We want to remind you that achieving success is less about where you are now and more about what you are doing on a daily basis. To be successful, you must work hard and apply yourself every day."

Parents have also been reminded of the vital role they play in their children's education and the need for them to provide their children with the necessary support in order to go on to achieve their maximum potential