No decision on trade of rhino horn

Friday, November 14, 2014

Pretoria - South Africa has not taken a decision on making the trade of rhino horn illegal as an intervention to reduce rhino poaching.

“If we come up with measures that completely eradicate poaching we may not need to look at (trade). If there is a solution we may not have to look at possible trade,” Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa said.

Speaking on the sidelines of the 6th World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia, she said she was concerned that poaching was part of a multi-billion dollar worldwide illicit wildlife trade.

“Unfortunately the threat of poaching has continued to escalate while various multi-faceted interventions are being implemented by South Africa,” Minister Molewa said.

The theme for the 2014 Congress, held at the Sydney Olympic Park, is “Parks, People Planet: Inspiring Solutions”.  The congress, which started on Wednesday, will end on 19 November.

Delegates attending the congress are expected to consider ways to address the gap between conservation and the sustainable development agenda.

They will articulate the vital role of protected areas in conserving nature while delivering essential ecosystem services; position protected areas within goals of economic and community well-being, and demonstrate how this can be achieved in practice.

Minister Molewa, Deputy Minister Barbara Thomson, senior Department of Environmental Affairs officials, SANParks and KZN Ezemvelo Wildlife hosted a successful Rhino Conservation Side Event on the sidelines of the 2014 Congress.  –