Cut-off day for special votes applications

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pretoria - Registered voters who will be unable to cast their votes in their respective voting districts on May 18 have until 5pm today to submit their applications for special votes.
These voters include those who are housebound due to illness/infirmity, are hospitalised or deployed far from home for work reasons.
Voters who want to apply for special votes can download and complete the MEC 35 form on the IEC website
However, voters cannot email or fax their application forms to the IEC, but they must hand-deliver them to their Municipal Electoral Office.
IEC staff will record the details of their application on the system and give them a system-generated receipt that indicates if they qualify for a special vote. Voters are advised to keep the receipt as proof of their application outcome.
If registered voters cannot travel to their voting station because of they are physically infirm or disabled, voting officials will visit them between 8am and 5pm on May 16 or 17 at the place where they are living and allow them to vote.
To qualify, a voter must be registered to vote in the voting district where they have requested the home visit.
Those who can travel, but can't vote at their voting station on election day, will vote between 8am and 5pm at their voting station on May 16.